Recent Tuberculosis Instruction Updates

Subject: Tests where Reactors or IRs are Disclosed instructions have been updated
Date: 04 July 2024
Summary of Update: The Tests where Reactors or IRs are Disclosed instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W))
Date: 17 June 2024
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post-movement Testing in Edge Area of England
Date: 15 March 2024
Summary of Update: The following changes made 01 August 2023 were not published in error, this has now been rectified: The Tuberculosis in Animals (England) (Amendment) Order 2023 coming into force on 1 Aug 2023 extends post-movement testing requirements to the annual surveillance testing parts of the Edge Area of England.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Import and Export Controls
Date: 26 February 2024
Summary of Update: OV instructions have been updated to remove references to Import Isolation facilities in England for cattle imported from Northern Ireland.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre and Post Movement Testing
Date: 23 February 2024
Summary of Update: The pre and post movement testing instructions have been updated to clarify the references relating to hotspots.
Updated Pages: Active surveillance > Pre and Post Movement Testing > Pre-movement Testing in England > (Para 3 updated)
Subject: TB PCR Test Phase 2
Date: 14 February 2024
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect the rollout of PCR Phase 2 extending the use of the test to post-mortem samples of bovine reactors, DCs and IRs.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB PCR Test Phase 2
Date: 14 February 2024
Summary of Update: OV instructions have been updated to reflect the rollout of PCR Phase 2 extending the use of the test to post-mortem samples of bovine reactors, DCs and IRs.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15)(E)
Date: 09 February 2024
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15)(E) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15)(E)
Date: 01 February 2024
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15)(E) has been updated.
Updated Pages:

TB Legislative Change in Wales

Date: 01 February 2024
Summary of Update:

The Tuberculosis (Wales) Order 2010 introduces legislative changes which came into force 01 February 2024. Documents have been updated accordingly.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Active Surveillance
Date: 15 January 2024
Summary of Update: TB Active Surveillance instructions have been updated. The Aproach to Setting Routine TB Testing Intervals in England (TR277) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Voluntary Pre-Sale TB Check Test Confirmation Letter (TR442)
Date: 12 January 2024
Summary of Update: The Voluntary Pre-Sale TB Check Test Confirmation Letter (TR442) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Skin Testing Equipment: Dairy Insight V-Grip TB injectors
Date: 11 September 2023
Summary of Update: TB instructions have been updated to reflect that the Dairy Insight V-Grip TB injectors manufactured by N J Phillips has been included in the list of equipment suitable for skin testing in cattle, pigs, goats and sheep.
Updated Pages:
  • Skin Test > Equipment > Testing Equipment for day one (Para 1, bullet points 1, 3 and 9 updated)
  • Skin Test > Skin Test Day One >
  • How to Prepare the TB Syringe/Injectors (TB Guns) (Section heading updated)
    • Assembling the McLintock Syringes (Section heading updated)
    • Assembling the Dairy Insight V Grip TB Injectors (section added)
    • Needles (section updated)
    • Filling the McLintock Syringes (Section heading updated)
    • Filling the DI B Grip TB Injectors (Section added)Preparation of the Injection Site > Following Completion of the Test (Section updated)
  • Skin Test > Skin Test Day Two > Cleansing and Disinfection of Equipment (Para 2 updated)
  • Skin Test > Managing Tuberculin Supplies > Storage and Use of Tuberculin (Para 9, bullet point 1 updated)
  • Biosecurity Measures > Cleansing and Disinfection of Equipment (Para 2 updated)
Subject: Post-movement Testing in Edge Area of England
Date: 01 August 2023
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis in Animals (England) (Amendment) Order 2023 coming into force on 1 Aug 2023 extends post-movement testing requirements to the annual surveillance testing parts of the Edge Area of England.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing for Scotland
Date: 07 July 2023
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023 introduces legislative changes which came into force 18 May 2023. Documents have been updated accordingly.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing for Scotland
Date: 22 May 2023
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023 introduces legislative changes coming into force from 18 May 2023. Documents have been updated accordingly.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing for Scotland
Date: 18 May 2023
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023 introduces legislative changes coming into force from 18 May 2023. Documents have been updated accordingly.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing for Scotland
Date: 27 April 2023
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023 introduces legislative changes in relation to pre-movement testing. Instructions have been updated accordingly.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Policy Change in Wales
Date: 30 March 2023
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect that from 1 April 2023, contiguous (CON, not CON6/CON12) and post-breakdown tests (6M/12M) in specified areas of North Wales will be read at severe interpretation.
Updated Pages:
  • Skin Test Day Two > Selecting the Interpretation of Test Results (Para 10 updated, Para 11 added)
  • Skin Test Day Two > Selecting the Interpretation of Test Results > Severe Interpretation (Para 6 added)
  • Action on Completion > Selecting the Interpretation of Test Results (Para 10 updated, Para 11 added)
  • Action on Completion > Selecting the Interpretation of Test Results > Severe Interpretation (Para 6 added)
Subject: Implementation of Approved Tuberculin Testers (ATTs) in Wales
Date: 30 September 2022
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect the introduction of ATTs in Wales.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
Date: 30 September 2022
Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth TB Frequently Asked Questions
Date: 20 September 2022
Summary of Update: The Cymorth TB Farm Visit and Frequently Asked Questions (TR454) has been updated and the Cymorth TB Farm Visit and Frequently Asked Questions - Welsh Language (TR454(Welsh)) has been added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing Wales
Date: 26 May 2022
Summary of Update: Instructions regarding pre-movement testing in Wales have been updated.
Updated Pages:
  • Active Surveillance > Pre and Post Movement Testing > Pre-movement Testing in Wales (Paras 3, 6, 7 and 8)
  • TB19(W) - Licence to Move Cattle Between the Main Holding and Adjacent Co-grazed Common Land Without the Requirement for Pre-Movement Testing (Removed)
  • TB19(W)(Welsh) - Licence to Move Cattle Between the Main Holding and Adjacent Co-grazed Common Land Without the Requirement for Pre-Movement Testing - Welsh Language (Removed)
Subject: Introduction of Operational Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing in TB Samples
Date: 31 March 2022
Summary of Update: Instructions have been amended to reflect the introduction of operational use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for TB tissue samples.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Officially TB Free Status Withdrawn by Default - Wales
Date: 18 January 2022
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to specify that from 17 January 2022 all new TB breakdowns in Wales will be classed as Officially TB Free Status Withdrawn (OTFW), with only two exceptions.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 30 November 2021
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Policy Changes in Wales
Date: 1 November 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions and documents have been updated to reflect TB Policy changes in Wales coming in to force on 1 November 2021.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Clinical Cases
Date: 8 October 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated as a result of the new Tuberculosis in Animals (England) Order 2021 coming into force on 1 October 2021.
Updated Pages:
  • Clinical Cases > Suspected Clinical Cases of TB, previously Definitions for Affected Animals - Clinical Cases (Para 1)
Subject: Cattle Transition in Scotland
Date: 04 October 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect that Scottish Government has transitioned Scottish cattle transactional services from British Cattle Movement Service to ScotEID from 4 October 2021.
Updated Pages:
Subject: New TB England Order
Date: 1 October 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions and documents have been updated as a result of the new Tuberculosis in Animals (England) Order 2021 coming into force on 1 October 2021. The new order replaces The Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014 and The Tuberculosis (Deer and Camelid) (England) Order 2014. It brings together the tuberculosis control regimes applicable to bovine animals, goats, sheep, pigs, camelids and deer.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
Date: 21 September 2021
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Order Form (TR511) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-Sale Check Test in the Low Risk Area - England Only
Date: 21 July 2021
Summary of Update: The pre-sale Check Test instructions have been updated to clarify processes now that the test has become business as usual, and to remove references to the pilot scheme.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh))
Date: 15 July 2021
Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh)) has been converted into an interactive PDF template.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Electronic Provision of the TB Information Note (TB181)
Date: 21 June 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions and the TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315) have been updated to confirm the requirements where TB Testers can provide the TB Information Note (TB181) to cattle keepers electronically.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Expansion of Six-monthly Surveillance TB Testing of Cattle in the High Risk Area of England
Date: 02 June 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions and documents have been updated in preparation of the expansion of six-monthly surveillance TB testing of cattle herds in the remaining parts of the High Risk Area of England from 1 July 2021.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Surveillance Testing Programme in Wales
Date: 27 May 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect the introduction of supplementary interferon and IDEXX antibody blood testing of non-homebred animals with a positive bovine reaction in herds that have a clear surveillance test in the specifically allocated spatial units or clusters in the Low and Intermediate TB Areas of Wales.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post-movement Testing of Cattle Imported from Northern Ireland to Wales
Date: 9 April 2021
Summary of Update: TB Instructions have been updated to reflect the requirements for cattle imported from Northern Ireland into the Low TB Area of Wales.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Managing Tuberculin Supplies
Date: 23 March 2021
Summary of Update: Managing Tuberculin Supplies instructions have been updated to align with APHA instructions regarding not returning unused tuberculin to offices after the completion of skin tests.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Imported Cattle Instructions
Date: 16 March 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions for imported cattle have been updated due to EU Exit.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W))
Date: 11 February 2021
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Protocol
Date: 19 January 2021
Summary of Update: Instructions for Skin Test Day One, Injecting Tuberculin have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Reporting Skin Test Observations
Date: 16 December 2020
Summary of Update: Instructions for Skin Test Day Two, Reporting Test Observations have been updated to provide additional guidance for reporting escapees or animals not presented on Skin Test Day Two and dangerous or unmanageable animals.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
Date: 27 November 2020
Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Skin Test Day Two Instructions
Date: 11 November 2020
Summary of Update: The Skin Test Day Two instructions have been updated to confirm advice to be provided to cattle keepers regarding movement restrictions after a skin test with clear results and passport checks when reactors are disclosed at a skin test.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Publication of a Revised Version of the Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
Date: 2 November 2020
Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been extensively revised.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Six-monthly Surveillance TB Testing in High Risk Area of England
Date: 29 September 2020
Summary of Update: Minor updates have been made to the instructions as a result of the roll out of six-monthly surveillance TB testing of cattle herds in the High Risk Area of England.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Badgers Found Dead in Wales
Date: 17 September 2020
Summary of Update: The badgers found dead in Wales instructions have been updated to clarify the process and provide an new link to the Welsh Government website.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh))
Date: 9 September 2020
Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh)) have been updated to request cattle keepers to contact APHA if the passport for any TB Reactor or Direct Contact is found to be missing or incorrect.
Updated Pages:
Subject: OV TB Testing Audit Instructions
Date: 9 September 2020
Summary of Update: The OV TB Testing Audit instructions have been updated to include guidance on the failure to comply with audit requirements. A Bovine TB Testing Notification Template (TB216) has been added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis - Surveillance Testing Programme (Wales)
Date: 3 September 2020
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated for the Surveillance testing Programme in Wales for information.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Six monthly Surveillance TB Testing of Cattle Herds in the High Risk Area (HRA) of England
Date: 3 September 2020
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated as a result of the roll out of six-monthly surveillance TB testing of cattle herds in the High Risk Area of England (Shropshire and Staffordshire only) from 1 September 2020.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Surgeons - Welsh Language (TB52(Welsh))
Date: 25 August 2020
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Surgeons - Welsh Language (TB52(Welsh)) declaration has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Surgeons (TB52)
Date: 19 August 2020
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Surgeons (TB52) declaration has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Intervals
Date: 18 August 2020
Summary of Update: The Approach to Setting Routine Surveillance TB Testing Intervals in 2020 Policy Document for England (TR277) and the Q and A - Setting Routine Surveillance TB Testing Intervals in 2020 (England) (TR283) have been updated as a result of the roll out of six-monthly surveillance testing of cattle herds in the HRA counties of Shropshire and Staffordshire from 1 September 2020.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Instructions
Date: 17 August 2020
Summary of Update: TB testing instructions have been updated following changes to the Approved Tuberculin Tester instructions to provide additional clarity.
Updated Pages:
Subject: OV TB Testing Audit Instructions
Date: 28 July 2020
Summary of Update: The TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: OV TB Testing Audit Instructions  
Date: 21 July 2020
Summary of Update: The OV TB Testing Audit instructions and the TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315) have been updated. A new Tuberculin Skin Test Audit - Minimum Requirements (TR586) has been added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) and Wales (TR15(W))
Date: 7 May 2020
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) and Wales (TR15(W)) have been updated to provide guidance on what skin test types are eligible for the temporary amendment of the requirement to test bovine animals under 180 days of age during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 2 April 2020
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated to provide guidance on what skin test types can be amended on request from Official Veterinarians to delay the due date (Latest Activity Completion Date (LACD)) in Sam during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
Date: 19 March 2020
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Order Form (TR511) has been updated to remove the fax number. Orders must be emailed into the tuberculin orders mailbox.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Passive Surveillance instructions
Date: 22 January 2020
Summary of Update: The Passive Surveillance instructions have been reviewed and updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Removal of the OV Miscellaneous Tasks Form (AH49)
Date: 4 November 2019
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to include the correct guidance for Official Veterinarian (OV) claims and payments and to remove the OV Miscellaneous Tasks Form (AH49) which should no longer be used.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
Date: 17 September 2019
Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Order Form (TR511) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth TB Visits
Date: 13 September 2019
Summary of Update: The Cymorth TB Farm Visit instructions have been updated to reflect the new Cymorth TB process, where Cymorth visits are automatically scheduled unless the keeper declines a visit themselves or through their Official Veterinarian (OV) or Delivery Partner (DP).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Approved Finishing Units (Enhanced) with Grazing in England
Date: 11 September 2019
Summary of Update: TB instructions have been updated to include references to Approved Finishing Units (Enhanced) (AFUEs) where appropriate.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Publication of a Revised Version of the Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
Date: 20 June 2019
Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been extensively revised.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Owners Checklist - TB Reactor Removal (TR247(W)/TR247(W)(Welsh))
Date: 8 May 2019
Summary of Update: The Owner's Checklist - TB Reactor Removal (TR247(W)/TR247(W)(Welsh)) has been updated to include the requirement to obtain owner's confirmation of details and undertakings for new TB breakdowns.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Part TB Skin Tests in Scotland
Date: 07 May 2019
Summary of Update: Instructions relating to part TB skin tests in Scotland have been added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh))
Date: 01 May 2019
Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions after a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor is found at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis (TB) in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh)) have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing in Bovines
Date: 18 February 2019
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to clarify the minimum age for bovines to be eligible for pre-movement testing.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Annual Surveillance Testing for Lower Risk Herds in the Six-monthly Testing Parts of the Edge Area
Date: 14 February 2019
Summary of Update: The TB surveillance testing instructions for the Edge Area of England have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Controls on Imported Cattle
Date: 08 February 2019
Summary of Update: The TB post-import testing instructions have been updated as Spain has declared a region that is TB free.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Intervals In England for 2019
Date: 19 December 2018
Summary of Update: The TB Testing Intervals instructions (England) and associated documents have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Test Missing or Added Animals
Date: 13 December 2018
Summary of Update: The Missing or Added Animals instructions have been updated to confirm what to do when an animal cannot be accounted for during a TB test.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post-movement Testing in Scotland
Date: 05 December 2018
Summary of Update: Updates have been made to reflect that from 12 December 2018, cattle moving in to Scotland from England, Wales and Northern Ireland that are required to have a post-movement test must remain at the receiving farm premises until the post-movement test has been completed with clear results (with limited exceptions).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Definition of a High Incidence Area in Scotland
Date: 05 December 2018
Summary of Update: Updates have been made to reflect that from 12 December 2018 a High TB Incidence Area (HIA) as defined by the Scottish legislation includes areas that test routinely every two years or more frequently which ensures six-monthly testing areas are included.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth Visits in Official TB Free Intermediate TB Area North
Date: 08 November 2018
Summary of Update: Introduction of a new policy for use of Cymorth visits in the Intermediate TB Area North (ITBAN) and the existing Cymorth TB processes have also been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh))
Date: 02 November 2018
Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis in Cattle, Buffalo or Bison (TB181/TB181(Welsh)) have been updated. Any previous versions must be destroyed.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Caernarfon Office Move
Date: 23 October 2018
Summary of Update: The instructions for Cymorth in Wales have been updated to reflect a change of address for the Caernarfon office after a recent office move.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Clinical Inspections and Examinations
Date: 14 September 2018
Summary of Update: The instructions for Clinical Inspections and Examinations have been updated to clarify procedures where unusual signs are encountered at the bovine tuberculin injection site.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Established Officially Tuberculosis Free Herds
Date: 23 August 2018
Summary of Update: The instructions for herds in Scotland that are exempt from Routine Herd Tests (RHT) have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Notice Prohibiting the Movement of Bovine Animals - Welsh Language Version (TB02(Welsh)) Updated
Date: 16 August 2018
Summary of Update: The Notice Prohibiting the Movement of Bovine Animals - Welsh Language Version (TB02(Welsh)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W)) Updated
Date: 16 August 2018
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version
Date: 03 August 2018
Summary of Update: The Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version (TR247(W)(Welsh)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Owners Checklist (TR247(W))
Date: 27 July 2018
Summary of Update: The Owners Checklist (TR247(W)) has been updated to clarify the position regarding compensation reduction if reactor removal is delayed, and responsibilities relating to clean cattle entering abattoirs.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculin Distribution to Official Veterinarians
Date: 19 July 2018
Summary of Update: Update to reflect Tuberculin distribution to Official Veterinarians (OVs) is carried out at Weybridge along with contact email and order form.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing in England and Wales
Date: 25 May 2018
Summary of Update:

The Pre-movement Testing instructions have been updated to clarify the criteria for a show to be exempt from pre-movement testing requirements.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Updated Documents for New GDPR Requirements
Date: 25 May 2018
Summary of Update: Relevant documents have been updated with a new Data Protection statement to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Post-import Testing
Date: 24 May 2018
Summary of Update:

The Post-Import Checks instructions have been updated to remove Malta from the list of Officially Tuberculosis Free (OTF) countries

Updated Pages:
Subject: Badgers Found Dead in Wales - Contact Details
Date: 16 April 2018
Summary of Update:

Contact details to report badgers found dead in Wales have been added.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Manual TB Test Chart Entry
Date: 12 March 2018
Summary of Update:

Official Veterinarians (OVs) who are not registered to use Sam should submit the Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Surgeons (TB52)/Tuberculin Test Chart - Approved Veterinary Surgeon (TB52A) to the TB Customer Service Centre, Stafford.

Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Intervals
Date: 15 February 2018
Summary of Update:

Testing requirements for England have been updated.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Expansion of the Edge Area in England and New Cattle Testing Arrangements Updated
Date: 04 January 2018
Summary of Update:

Instructions have been amended to incorporate the expansion of the Edge Area and changes to testing arrangements in the Edge Area including details of the implementation of six monthly and radial testing.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England and Wales (TR15(E)/TR15(W)) Updated
Date: 21 December 2017
Summary of Update:

The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England and Wales (TR15(E)/TR15(W)) have been updated to reflect a change in the pre and post-movement testing policy in Wales.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Badgers Found Dead TB Surveillance in Wales
Date: 20 December 2017
Summary of Update:

Wales Veterinary Science Centre (WVSC), Aberystwyth now have the Welsh Government (WG) contract to handle dead badgers found in Wales.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Welsh Tracing Tests - Severe Interpretation
Date: 06 December 2017
Summary of Update:

Instructions have been updated to reflect that from 1 December 2017, severe interpretation will apply for all spread traced animals set up within a standalone tracings test.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Application of a Marking Tag to a Reactor or Suspect Reactor
Date: 06 December 2017
Summary of Update:

Instructions have been updated as part of the new Reactor Removal Framework for England and Wales which commenced on 4 December 2017.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Resolved Inconclusive Reactors Restricted for Life Instructions for England
Date: 02 November 2017
Summary of Update:

Skin Test Day Two instructions have been updated to reflect the new policy on Resolved IRs Restricted for Life in England.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version (TR247(W)(Welsh)) Added
Date: 01 November 2017
Summary of Update:

The Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version (TR247(W)(Welsh)) has been added

Updated Pages:
Subject: Owners Checklist (TR247(W)) Added
Date: 24 October 2017
Summary of Update:

The Owners Checklist (TR247(W)) has been added and relevant instructions updated.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians in GB 
Date: 12 October 2017
Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians in GB has been published on the Vet Gateway.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post-movement Testing of Cattle in Wales Moving into the Low TB Area from Higher Disease Areas
Date: 02 October 2017
Summary of Update:

Introduction of post-movement testing to cattle in Wales moving into the low TB area from higher disease areas. Test required 60 to 120 days after animal has arrived on-farm (certain exemptions apply) and compliance will be monitored by APHA. Cattle owners are required to organise and pay for tests. Movement restrictions to be imposed and referral to Local Authority (LA) should non-compliance be detected.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-movement Testing Requirements in Wales
Date: 02 October 2017
Summary of Update:

In the Low TB Area of Wales some pre-movement testing requirements will change so that animals moving into the Low TB Area will be required to have a pre-movement test, while cattle moved from or within the Low TB Area will no longer require a pre-movement test.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Testing Interval Instructions Updated
Date: 27 September 2017
Summary of Update: From 1 October 2017, a regionalised approach to TB eradication will be taken forward in Wales with the introduction of Low, Intermediate and High TB Areas.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Skin Testing at Multi-location/Unit Farms
Date: 11 September 2017
Summary of Update:

The instructions have been updated to reflect the requirement to record the location at which the animal was tested for those farms with multi-locations/units.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Scotland (TR15(S)) Updated
Date: 24 July 2017
Summary of Update:

The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Scotland (TR15(S)) has been updated to clarify that the keeper pays for certain test types (Private TB test, Pre-Movement Test, Post-Movement Test, Post-Movement Test (NI), Export Test and AI TB Skin Test).

Updated Pages:
Subject: Badger Found Dead Interim Instructions
Date: 14 July 2017
Summary of Update:

Interim instructions have been added on the collection of badgers for Post Mortem Examination (PME) in Wales following completion of the All Wales Badger Found Dead Survey.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Eligible Animals not Presented for Testing
Date: 03 July 2017
Summary of Update:

Instructions have been added to advise on the actions to take if eligible animals are not presented for testing.

Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Audit of Official Veterinarians
Date: 27 April 2017
Summary of Update:

Updates have been made to the content to provide the relevant instructions regarding Official Veterinarian (OV) audits in England, Scotland and Wales

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) Updated
Date: 06 April 2017
Summary of Update:

The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Use of Severe Interpretation for Spread Trace Tested Cattle in England
Date: 04 April 2017
Summary of Update:

All spread tracings identified from 1 April 2017 in England from Officially Tuberculosis Free Status Withdrawn (OTFW) TB breakdowns will be read at severe interpretation.  This measure will also apply to animals traced to holdings in England from OTFW TB breakdown herds in Scotland and Wales.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) Updated
Date: 31 March 2017
Summary of Update:

The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Testing of Cattle Imported into Approved Finishing Units Without Grazing
Date: 17 March 2017
Summary of Update:

Instructions regarding cattle imported into Approved Finishing Units (AFUs) without grazing, in England have been updated to confirm that cattle do not require post-import TB testing provided that pre-export TB certification conditions have been met

Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Audit of Official Veterinarians
Date: 13 March 2017
Summary of Update:

Updates have been made to introduce the APHA Field Veterinary TB Audit Team (FVAT), who will be responsible for carrying Official Veterinarians (OVs) audits in England, Wales and Scotland. Individuals will be selected in due course.

Updated Pages:
Subject: County Parish Holding England - Tuberculosis in Bovines
Date: 06 March 2017
Summary of Update:

The guidance for Tuberculosis in Bovines in England has been updated to reflect the changes introduced by the County Parish Holding (CPH) England project.

Updated Pages:
Subject: General Authorisation for Official Veterinarians to Undertake Compulsory Pre and Post-movement Bovine Tuberculosis Testing
Date: 07 February 2017
Summary of Update:

Additional instructions have been added regarding the general authorisation for Official Veterinarians (OVs) to undertake compulsory pre and post-movement bovine tuberculosis testing.

Updated Pages:
Subject: General Authorisation for Official Veterinarians to Undertake Compulsory Pre and Post-movement Bovine Tuberculosis Testing
Date: 03 February 2017
Summary of Update:

A General Authorisation for Official Veterinarians (OVs) to undertake compulsory pre and post-movement bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) testing has been issued on behalf Defra, Scottish and Welsh Governments.

Updated Pages:

Private Tests Including Tests for Exports

Subject: Updated Instructions for TB Testing Audit of Official Veterinarians
Date: 27 January 2017
Summary of Update:

Instructions have been updated to include information on the APHA Field Veterinary Audit Team (FVAT), details of training, qualifications and personal specifications of FVAT Auditors.

Updated Pages:
Subject: Updated Post-Import Testing Instructions
Date: 14 December 2016
Summary of Update: Instructions regarding cattle being imported into Licensed Finishing Units (LFU) have been updated to confirm that cattle do not require post-import TB testing provided that TB export certification conditions have been met.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Updates to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England/Scotland/Wales (TR15(E/S/W))
Date: 05 December 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England/Scotland/Wales (TR15(E/S/W)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Updates to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England/Scotland/Wales (TR15(E/S/W))
Date: 28 November 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England/Scotland/Wales (TR15(E/S/W)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Instructions on Cymorth TB updated
Date: 14 November 2016
Summary of Update: Following introduction in England, Farm Level Reports are now being produced in Wales to assist farmers and OVs in the management of TB breakdowns
Updated Pages:
Subject: LRA Post-movement Testing Advisory Letter (TR455)
Date: 11 November 2016
Summary of Update: LRA Post-movement Testing Advisory Letter (TR455) will be posted by APHA from early November 2016 advising Low Risk Area (LRA) cattle keepers who have sourced bovine animals from of other parts of England or from Wales of their legal obligations regarding LRA post-movement testing.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 03 November 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated to include a new TB test code to be used to instruct a Low Risk Area (LRA) post-movement test when a breach has been disclosed, or animals have been licensed by APHA to move before a LRA post-movement test has taken place.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Official Veterinarian Instructions Online Tutorial Update
Date: 20 October 2016
Summary of Update: The Official Veterinarian (OV) Instructions Online Tutorial has been updated.
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Subject: Post Movement Testing in the Low Risk Area in England
Date: 15 September 2016
Summary of Update: The new POSTLRAOV test code is now available in Sam. Official Veterinarians (OVs) should use this code to record and submit Low Risk Area (LRA) post movement tests on Sam.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth TB Guidance
Date: 05 September 2016
Summary of Update: The instructions have been updated to include further guidance on completing the Assessment Checklist (TR415), other documents and also on time allowances for the visits. The Cymorth TB Frequently Asked Questions (TR454) has been added to assist Offiicial Veterinarians (OVs) and Delivery Partners (DPs).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Tuberculosis Testing Interval Instructions Updated
Date: 02 September 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (TB) testing interval instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Automatic Restriction Information Note (TB181) Updated
Date: 04 August 2016
Summary of Update: Automatic Restriction Information Note (TB181) has been amended. This must be issued to the owner/keeper on every occasion after reactors and inconclusive reactors (IRs) are disclosed at a TB test. This will remind owners/keepers to meet certain requirements such as isolation of reactors/IRs. Further amendments require milk from reactors to be heat treated before feeding to other animals and people.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Auditing and Assessment Documents Updated
Date: 19 July 2016
Summary of Update: The documents used by Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) auditors to record, assess and determine the severity of any non-compliance with TB testing procedures have been revised. These are used mainly for auditing Official Veterinarians (OVs) but are routinely used to assess and train APHA staff. The main change is the clarification of the instruction to use two hands to measure skin folds and reactions when using callipers.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth in Wales Instructions Updated
Date: 20 June 2016
Summary of Update: Minor updates have been made to the Delivery Partner (DP)/Official Veterinarian (OV) process map for Cymorth TB concluded breakdown visit. The Cymorth Tuberculosis On-Farm Veterinary Advice and Assessment Checklist (TR415(W)/TR415(W)(Welsh)) are now interactive forms for OVs to complete.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Cymorth TB Farm Visit Instructions
Date: 13 May 2016
Summary of Update: Herd Owners can now request a Cymorth TB farm visit in several different ways - email, telephone, post or via their Official Veterinarian (OV) Practice or Delivery Partner. OVs are also advised of a change of address for returning the Cymorth Tuberculosis On-Farm Veterinary Advice and Assessment Checklist (TR415) from Carmarthen to Caernarfon.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Skin Fold Technique - Reinstatement of a Two-handed Measuring Method
Date: 05 May 2016
Summary of Update: The measurement of skin folds and reactive lumps at TB testing is instructed in the European Union (EU) Directive to be a two-handed technique. Instructions have been amended to clarify that this is the accepted method and those carrying out TB skin tests will be audited against this procedure.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Official TB and Bovine Brucellosis Status of Malta
Date: 25 April 2016
Summary of Update: Malta is now Officially Tuberculosis Free (OTF) and Bovine Brucellosis (OBF validation period until 23 March 2021).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version (TR247(Welsh))
Date: 18 April 2016
Summary of Update: The Owners Checklist - Welsh Language Version (TR247(Welsh)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Clarification on Pre-movement Testing Requirements for Animals from the Low Risk Area of England or Scotland, Attending a Non-exempt Show in Wales
Date: 14 April 2016
Summary of Update: Welsh Government has clarified that animals from the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England or from Scotland, attending a non-exempt show in Wales, require pre-movement testing, in accordance with Article 13 (c ) of the TB (Wales) Order 2010 (as amended).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 11 April 2016
Summary of Update: Following the introduction of post-movement testing in the Low Risk Area in England and the changes to Short Interval Testing requirements in the High Risk Area in England the TR15(E)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Introduction of Post-movement testing in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England
Date: 11 April 2016
Summary of Update: The requirement of post-movement testing in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England came into force on 6 April 2016. Relevant instructions have been produced.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Wales TB Order and Compensation Changes
Date: 7 April 2016
Summary of Update: The 2010 Wales TB Order has been amended to include changes to the TB compensation scheme and other provisions. Instructions have been updated to include all relevant changes.
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Subject: Pre-Sale Check Test in the Low Risk Area (Pilot Scheme) - England Only
Date: 5 April 2016
Summary of Update: A new Pilot Scheme will be introduced on 6 April 2016. A voluntary Government-funded TB pre-sale check test will be available to farmers in England who are planning on selling all or part of their herd where they are on four year surveillance testing (Low Risk Area (LRA)) and where they meet other criteria.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 30 March 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated to reflect the voluntary Government funded TB pre-sale check test pilot scheme.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Bluetongue Restriction Zones List Updated
Date: 14 March 2016
Summary of Update: The TB status of the Isle of Man has changed and the requirements for movements between Northern Ireland have been changed.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Revoking Recent Amendments to Skin Fold Measurements
Date: 03 March 2016
Summary of Update: Two recent amendments altered the instructions regards skin fold measurement on days one and two of the TB skin test and updating the Revision of TB Quality Assurance Test: Assessment Guide (TR314) and TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315) to reflect a change as part of the auditing process. Due to contractual arrangements with the Delivery Partners, these changes have been reversed.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to TB Quality Assurance Test: Assessment Guide (TR314) and TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315)
Date: 16 February 2016
Summary of Update: TB Quality Assurance Test: Assessment Guide (TR314) and TB Auditing Standard Operating Procedure (TR315) have been updated to reflect recent changes to the skin fold technique required for TB skin testing.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Skin Test - Change to Measuring Protocol and Notification Procedure for Reactors Found on Farms
Date: 05 February 2016
Summary of Update: The skin testing protocol has been amended to clarify the instructions relating to measurement of the skin fold with callipers. Instructions have been updated to confirm only testing vets in Scotland need to inform the Duty Vet of reactors whilst still on farm after reading a TB test.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update of the DNA Marking Tags - Official Veterinarian Monthly Invoice Summary (OVc06)
Date: 01 February 2016
Summary of Update: The DNA Marking Tags - Official Veterinarian Monthly Invoice Summary (OVc06) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth TB Farm Visit
Date: 29 January 2016
Summary of Update: Guidance for Official Veterinarians (OVs) on the length of time after notification by the Delivery Partner (DP) to contact the farmer and arrange a visit has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Improvements to Official Veterinarian Instructions Format
Date: 26 January 2016
Summary of Update: Improvements have been made to the format of the Official Veterinarian (OV) instructions to include the provision of a print button on each instruction page, a statement confirming that the instructions are correct as of the current date and time and the addition of a Documents page, listing documents by instructional area.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to the Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
Date: 13 January 2016
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated to reflect the changes in the TB Unit Monitoring Regime (UMR) in the Cheshire Edge Area.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre and Post-Movement Testing in Wales Updated
Date: 18 December 2015
Summary of Update: The Pre and Post-movement Testing in Wales instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Pre-Movement Testing in England Updated
Date: 14 December 2015
Summary of Update: The Pre-Movement Testing in England instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Suspicion of Disease in a Carcase
Date: 14 December 2015
Summary of Update: The Suspicion of Disease in a Carcase instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth Tuberculosis On-Farm Veterinary Advice and Assessment Checklist
Date: 03 December 2015
Summary of Update: The Welsh language version of the Cymorth Tuberculosis On-Farm Veterinary Advice and Assessment Checklist TR415(W)(Welsh) has been added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cymorth TB Farm Visit
Date: 24 November 2015
Summary of Update: Instructions for the Cymorth TB Farm Visit have been added. TR415(W) - Cymorth Tuberculosis On-Farm Veterinary Advice and Assessment Checklist added.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Addition of Adjacent Holding Licence to Move Cattle Without the Requirement for Pre-Movement Testing for TB or Movement Standstill - Welsh Language Version (TB19(W)(Welsh))
Date: 16 November 2015
Summary of Update: The Adjacent Holding Licence to Move Cattle Without the Requirement for Pre-Movement Testing for TB or Movement Standstill (TB19(W)) is now available in Welsh.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Removal of Certain Not Tested Reasons for TB Skin Tests
Date: 05 October 2015
Summary of Update: Escape at TT2, Not Presented at TT2 and Dangerous/Unmanageable reasons have been removed.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Whole Herd Testing Guidance
Date: 02 October 2015
Summary of Update: The Whole Herd Testing guidance has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15(E))
Date: 28 September 2015
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15(E)) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to DNA Marking Tag Submission Instructions
Date: 24 September 2015
Summary of Update: The DNA Marking Tag Submission instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Clarification of Pre-Movement Test Dates in Wales
Date: 09 September 2015
Summary of Update: An update has been made to reflect the legislation, which states that the day after tuberculin injection is the first day of the 60 day movement window.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England/Wales (TR15(E)/TR15(W))
Date: 03 September 2015
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England/Wales (TR15(E)/TR15(W)) have been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Adjacent Holdings Licence - Wales
Date: 26 August 2015
Summary of Update: An Adjacent Holdings Licence (TB19(W)) may now be issued in Wales for the exceptional circumstance of the movement of cattle, on foot, from one holding to an adjacent holding.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post Import Testing
Date: 29 July 2015
Summary of Update: TB Controls on Imported Cattle, Post-Import Checks guidance updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Updates to Reflect the Role of Delivery Partners
Date: 21 July 2015
Summary of Update: Updates have been made to reflect the role of contracted Delivery Partners (DPs) in the management of Government funded veterinary services.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Private and Export Tests
Date: 08 May 2015
Summary of Update: Minor update to Who Can Test instructions.
Updated Pages:
Subject: TB Testing Audit of Official Veterinarians
Date: 09 April 2015
Summary of Update: Updated to incorporate contacting the linked Delivery Partner Senior Official Veterinarian (OV), when non-compliance at an Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) TB Audit is found.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Tuberculosis Overview Guidance
Date: 24 February 2015
Summary of Update: Clarification is provided for infection of goats with Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cheshire Edge Parish Change to Six Monthly Testing
Date: 30 December 2014
Summary of Update: The Whole Herd Testing instructions have been updated following a change to the Cheshire Edge parish testing intervals.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to TB Testing Intervals
Date: 22 December 2014
Summary of Update: The TB testing intervals instructions have been updated including details of six monthly routine testing in the Edge part of Cheshire.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Post Import Checks Guidance
Date: 26 November 2014
Summary of Update: Minor updates have been made to the guidance relating to the post import checks on imported cattle.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Post Import Checks Guidance
Date: 17 October 2014
Summary of Update: The guidance for Post Import Checks has been updated.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Updates to Cleansing and Disinfection and Testing Equipment Instructions
Date: 03 October 2014
Summary of Update: Minor amendments have been made to the equipment testing instructions and personal cleansing and disinfection (C&D) requirements and C&D of equipment to add clarity.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Changes to Exemptions from Pre-movement Testing Requirements
Date: 02 October 2014
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect changes to exemptions from Pre-movement testing requirements in England and Wales for premises within a Sole Occupancy Authority (SOA).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Document Update to Reflect the New Tuberculosis England Orders 2014
Date: 01 October 2014
Summary of Update: Relevant documents have been updated to reflect the new Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014 which comes into force on 01 October 2014.
Updated Pages:
Subject: New TB Test Codes for Scotland
Date: 15 September 2014
Summary of Update: The instructions have been updated to reflect that there are now three new TB test codes for Scotland. POSTMTS(NI) - a specific code for Post-movement tests carried out 60-120 days after arrival in Scotland from Northern Ireland. RHT12 (S) - for herds that are on 12 monthly testing intervals. Eligibility is as per 48 month Routine Herd Tests. BHH - for TB Bull Hirers test (carried out on hire bulls requiring annual testing).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Cattle Tracing System Discrepancies
Date: 22 August 14
Summary of Update: Instructions on reporting Cattle Tracing System (CTS) discrepancies have been updated.
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Subject: Updates for Testing of Wild and Unmanageable Cattle
Date: 21 August 14
Summary of Update: Instructions are updated as a reminder that cattle cannot be exempted from testing if the reason is that they are wild and unmanageable.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to the Exemptions to the Pre-movement Testing Requirements (England)
Date: 15 August 14
Summary of Update: Cattle moving between premises sharing rights of the same common are no longer exempted from pre-movement requirements following an amendment to domestic legislation.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Update to Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15(E)) and Scotland (TR15(S))
Date: 15 August 14
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and when - England (TR15(E)) and Scotland (TR15(S)) have been updated to include the Routine Herd Test (RHT) eligibility changes and slight changes to Radial Herd Test (RAD6) and (RAD12) tests.
Updated Pages:
Subject: Changes to Routine Herd Testing Eligibility Criteria
Date: 07 August 14
Summary of Update: Due to a clarification of instructions, the eligibility rules for a Routine Herd Test (RHT) have been updated to provide clearer guidance on which animals need to be tested for Tuberculosis (TB).
Updated Pages:
Subject: Post Import Testing
Date: 20 June 14
Summary of Update: Update to the post import testing section covering TB sampling requirements from the Isle of Man.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Introduction of TB Auto-Restrictions in Sam
Date: 16 June 14
Summary of Update: Sam has now been updated to reflect the introduction of auto-restrictions, where TB reactors or inconclusive reactors have been identified. The new process must now be followed.
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Subject: Updated TB Welsh Language Documents
Date: 09 June 14
Summary of Update: Welsh language versions of documents have been updated and added.
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Subject: TB Auto-Restrictions - Sam Workaround Must be Used by all Official Veterinarians
Date: 23 May 14
Summary of Update: Until Release 8 of Sam it is imperative that all Official Veterinarians (OVs) issuing auto restriction information notes (TB181) follow a Sam workaround. A link to the workaround guidance is now within the TB OV instructions and this guidance must be followed until further notice. Notices prohibiting movement (TB02) must not be served by OVs under any circumstances.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Updates to Storage and Use of Tuberculin
Date: 23 May 14
Summary of Update: Minor amendments have been made to the managing tuberculin instructions relating to the storage and use of tuberculin.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Updates to Cleansing and Disinfection Instructions
Date: 23 May 14
Summary of Update: Minor amendments have been made to personal cleansing and disinfection (C&D) requirements and C&D of equipment to add clarity.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Removal of TB Veterinary Powers from Official Veterinarians
Date: 15 May 14
Summary of Update: Electronic copies of the new paper versions of the Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection for Approved Veterinary Inspectors (TB52) and the Tuberculin Test Chart for Approved Veterinary Inspectors (TB52A) have been added.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Edge Area Bovine TB Instructions
Date: 08 April 14
Summary of Update: Update to the instructions reflecting the changes to policy and procedure resulting from the introduction of the TB Edge strategy in England.
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Subject: Removal of TB Veterinary Inspector Powers from Official Veterinarians
Date: 04 April 14
Summary of Update: From 06 April Official Veterinarians will no longer have Veterinary Inspector Powers. Amendments have been made to reflect this change.
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Subject: Update to TB Controls on Imported Cattle
Date: 24th March 2014
Summary of Update: The TB controls on imported cattle member states information has been updated.
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Subject: Update to Identification of Reactors Instructions
Date: 25th September 2013
Summary of Update: The Identification of Reactors section has been updated to reflect the Sam processes.
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Subject: Updates to Carlisle Specialist Service Centre References
Date: 30th August 2013
Summary of Update: The information has been updated with references to Carlisle Specialist Service Centre (SSC) post the transfer of work from Chelmsford.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Update to Scottish Risk-Based Testing Notification Letters
Date: 20th August 2013
Summary of Update: The Routine TB Testing Letter - Exempt from Risk-Based Testing in Scotland (TR369(S)) and Routine TB Testing Letter - Eligible for Risk-Based Testing in Scotland (TR370(S)) have been updated.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Update to Advice and Guidance for TB
Date: 12th August 2013
Summary of Update: The advice and guidance leaflets for TB have been updated. All Official Veterinarians must ensure they are using the correct version.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Minor Updates to the Johne's Disease Vaccine and Personal Cleansing and Disinfection Instructions
Date: 11th June 2013
Summary of Update: Minor updates have been made to the Johne's Disease Vaccine information and a link to the approved disinfectants has been added to the instructions for personal cleansing and disinfection on entering and leaving a farm.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Clarification on the Time Period for AHVLA Field Audits 
Date: 6th June 2013
Summary of Update: Clarification that Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) field audits will spot-check the testing performance of the Official Veterinarians (OVs) employed by those practices using a risk-based approach over a period of seven years and not two years as previously stated.
Updated Pages:

Subject: TB Testing Audit of Official Veterinarians
Date: 4th June 2013
Summary of Update: The Skin Test Overview has been updated to provide details of the TB testing audit requirements of Official Veterinarians (OVs) tuberculosis testing.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Update to Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes for England (TR15(E))
Date: 31st May 2013
Summary of Update: The testing interval for TB Unit Test - TBU has been updated.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Update to Skin Test Instructions
Date: 24th May 2013
Summary of Update: Updates have been made to the TB skin Test instructions to reflect the Sam processes, the decommissioning of VeBus and centralisation of test chart entries.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Changes to TB Controls in Wales
Date: 30th April 2013
Summary of Update: The TR15(W) has been updated to reflect changes to TB controls in Wales.
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Subject: Amendments to TB Procedures in Wales
Date: 28 March 2013
Summary of Update: Amendments have been made to the instructions for Pre-movement Testing in Wales.
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Subject: Changes to Active Surveillance Instructions for England from 1 January 2013
Date: 19 December 2012
Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated in preparation for TB policy changes to cattle movement controls and surveillance being implemented in England on 1 January 2013.
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Subject: Update to Storage and Use of Tuberculin
Date: 21 November 2012
Summary of Update: The Storage and Use of Tuberculin section has been updated at paragraph 9.
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Subject: Update to the Service of Restrictions Section
Date: 22 October 2012
Summary of Update: The Service of Restrictions section has been updated.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Updates to the Pre-Movement Section Following 1 July Policy Changes
Date: 9 October 2012
Summary of Update: The Pre-movement Testing in England instructions have been updated.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Update to Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes for England (TR15(E))
Date: 11 September 2012
Summary of Update: Update: Inclusion of two new test codes – Partial Short Interval Test and Delayed Testing Group
Updated Pages: Document TR15(E) – Tuberculin Test Types and Sam Codes: What to Use and When - England

Subject: Changes to the Exemptions for Pre-movement Testing
Date: 29 June 2012
Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis (England) Order 2007 will be amended on 1 July 2012 to introduce changes to the exemptions for pre-movement testing. The Pre and Post-movement Testing instructions have been updated accordingly.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Notification of Routine Surveillance Testing and Reactor/Inconclusive Reactor Notification Process
Date: 16 March 2012
Summary of Update: Guidance for the completion of the visit notification document (NV01) have been added to the Active Surveillance instructions. The process for notifying AHVLA of reactors or inconclusive reactors has been updated in the Action on Completion instructions as completion of the OV notification proforma is no longer required.
Updated Pages:

Subject: Release of Updated Tuberculosis Instructions for Official Veterinarians
Date: 27 February 2012
Summary of Update: Following a review of the instructions for tuberculosis testing, updated instructions for Official Veterinarians are now available.
Updated Pages: All