Recent Tuberculosis in Camelids Instruction Updates

Subject: Guidance on camelid TB testing in England (TN191)
Date: 25 July 2024
Summary of Update: The Guidance on camelid TB testing in England (TN191) has been updated.
Updated Pages:
  • TN191 - Guidance on camelid TB testing in England
  • Subject: TB in Camelids PCR Changes
    Date: 02 April 2024
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect the rollout of PCR Phase 2 extending the use of the test to post-mortem samples of bovine reactors, DCs and IRs.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: TB PCR Test Phase 2
    Date: 14 February 2024
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to reflect the rollout of PCR Phase 2 extending the use of the test to post-mortem samples of bovine reactors, DCs and IRs.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06/TN06(Welsh))
    Date: 12 January 2024
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06/TN06(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Skin Testing Equipment: Dairy Insight V-Grip TB injectors
    Date: 11 September 2023
    Summary of Update: The Camelid Testing Equipment instructions have been updated to reflect that the Dairy Insight V-Grip TB injectors manufactured by N J Phillips has been included in the list of equipment suitable for skin testing in cattle, pigs, goats and sheep.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis in Camelids
    Date: 9 July 2023
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis in Camelids instructions have been updated following a full review.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis in Camelids Documents
    Date: 22 March 2023
    Summary of Update: The Camelid TB Serology Package - Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183/TN183(Welsh)) and Request to Undertake Private TB Testing of Non-bovine Species (TN184/TN184(Welsh)) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06/TN06(Welsh))
    Date: 21 March 2023
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06/TN06(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Serology Package - Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183/TN183(Welsh))
    Date: 8 March 2023
    Summary of Update: The Camelid TB Serology Package - Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated, and the Camelid TB Serology Package - Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183(Welsh)) has been added.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test for Detection of M.bovis in Tissue Samples
    Date: 11 October 2022
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated relating to PCR Test for Detection of M.bovis in Tissue Samples.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
    Date: 30 September 2022
    Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Actions following a Positive to a to a Private Blood test
    Date: 1 July 2022
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to clarify actions following a private blood test.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Introduction of Operational Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing in TB Samples
    Date: 10 May 2022
    Summary of Update: TB in Camelid instructions have been amended to reflect the introduction of operational use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for TB tissue samples.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Introduction of Operational Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing in TB Samples
    Date: 31 March 2022
    Summary of Update: Documents have been amended to reflect the introduction of operational use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for TB tissue samples.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: New TB England Order
    Date: 1 October 2021
    Summary of Update: Instructions and documents have been updated as a result of the new Tuberculosis in Animals (England) Order 2021 coming into force on 1 October 2021. The new order replaces The Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014 and The Tuberculosis (Deer and Camelid) (England) Order 2014. It brings together the tuberculosis control regimes applicable to bovine animals, goats, sheep, pigs, camelids and deer.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
    Date: 21 September 2021
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Order Form (TR511) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Licence Authorising General Movement of Animals Other than Bovine Animals from a Premises under TB Restrictions Directly to a Licensed Slaughterhouse (TN24c/TN24c(Welsh))
    Date: 4 June 2021
    Summary of Update: The Licence Authorising General Movement of Animals Other than Bovine Animals from a Premises under TB Restrictions Directly to a Licensed Slaughterhouse (TN24c/TN24c(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W))
    Date: 11 February 2021
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - Wales (TR15(W)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Serological Testing of Camelids for Tuberculosis
    Date: 15 January 2021
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to clarify requirements, and the Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
    Date: 27 November 2020
    Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Publication of a Revised Version of the Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
    Date: 2 November 2020
    Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been extensively revised.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) and Wales (TR15(W))
    Date: 7 May 2020
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) and Wales (TR15(W)) have been updated to provide guidance on what skin test types are eligible for the temporary amendment of the requirement to test bovine animals under 180 days of age during the COVID-19 outbreak.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E))
    Date: 2 April 2020
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculosis Test Types and Sam Codes: What to use and When - England (TR15(E)) has been updated to provide guidance on what skin test types can be amended on request from Official Veterinarians to delay the due date (Latest Activity Completion Date (LACD)) in Sam during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
    Date: 19 March 2020
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculin order Form (TR511) has been updated to remove the fax number. Orders must be emailed into the tuberculin orders mailbox.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Removal of the OV Miscellaneous Tasks Form (AH49)
    Date: 4 November 2019
    Summary of Update: Instructions have been updated to include the correct guidance for Official Veterinarian (OV) claims and payments and to remove the OV Miscellaneous Tasks Form (AH49) which should no longer be used.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Non-bovine Tuberculin Test Reporting Documents Welsh Language Versions
    Date: 31 October 2019
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Chart for Non-bovine Animals (TN52A(Welsh)) and the Non-bovines Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection (TN52B(Welsh)) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid bTB Testing Scenarios Guidance (TN191)
    Date: 29 October 2019
    Summary of Update: The Camelid bTB Testing Scenarios Guidance (TN191) has been updated to clarify the withdrawal of movement restrictions in M. bovis confirmed breakdowns in camelid herds.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Non-bovine Tuberculin Test Reporting Documents
    Date: 10 October 2019
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Test Chart for Non-bovine Animals (TN52A) and the Non-bovines Tuberculin Test Report and Certificate of Clinical Inspection (TN52B) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183)
    Date: 10 October 2019
    Summary of Update: The Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated to include clarification for the High Sensitivity (Parallel) Test and an additional option in the High Specificity (Serial) Test section.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculin Order Form (TR511)
    Date: 17 September 2019
    Summary of Update: The Tuberculin Order Form (TR511) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Request to Test - TB Testing of Non-bovine Species (TN184/TN184(Welsh))
    Date: 21 August 2019
    Summary of Update: The Request to Test - TB Testing of Non-bovine Species (TN184/TN184(Welsh)) has been renamed and updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Notice Prohibiting Movement of Specified Animals - Welsh Language (TN02(Welsh))
    Date: 9 August 2019
    Summary of Update: The Notice Prohibiting Movement of Specified Animals - Welsh Language (TN02(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Notice Prohibiting Movement of Specified Animals (TN02)
    Date: 6 August 2019
    Summary of Update: The Notice Prohibiting Movement of Specified Animals (TN02) has been updated to cover all non-bovine species, including pets and exotic mammals.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Publication of a Revised Version of the Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13)
    Date: 20 June 2019
    Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians (OVs) in Great Britain (OV13) has been extensively revised.
    Updated Pages:

    Skin Test in Camelids in England

    Date: 29 January 2019
    Summary of Update: Instructions relating to Skin Test Day One for camelids in England have been further updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Skin Test in Camelids in England

    Date: 16 January 2019
    Summary of Update: Instructions relating to Skin Test Day One for camelids in England have been updated to include the option of injecting tuberculin in an alternative area of the skin in some circumstances.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculin Distribution to Official Veterinarians
    Date: 19 July 2018
    Summary of Update: Update to reflect Tuberculin distribution to Official Veterinarians (OVs) is carried out at Weybridge along with contact email and order form.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Contiguous Testing in England
    Date: 09/07/2018
    Summary of Update: Relevant instructions have been updated to provide clarification for contiguous testing in England.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07) and TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07(Welsh)) Updated
    Date: 20/06/2018
    Summary of Update: TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07) and TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07(Welsh)) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06) and Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06(Welsh)) Updated
    Date: 15/06/2018
    Summary of Update: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06) and Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06(Welsh)) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Updated Documents for New GDPR Requirements
    Date: 25 May 2018
    Summary of Update: Relevant documents have been updated with a new Data Protection statement to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Skin Testing Health and Safety Guidance
    Date: 10 May 2018
    Summary of Update:

    The Camelid TB Skin Testing Health and Safety guidance has been updated.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid bTB Testing Scenarios Guidance (TN191)
    Date: 01 March 2018
    Summary of Update:

    The Camelid bTB Testing Scenarios Guidance (TN191) has been added.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: What and When to Test Camelids
    Date: 22 February 2018
    Summary of Update:

    A reference to the policy which describes, for example, the requirement for government-funded blood test in contiguous camelid herds in England, following a single injection of bovine tuberculin only, has been added.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Non-bovine Legislation Updated
    Date: 2 January 2018
    Summary of Update:

    References to The Tuberculosis (Deer and Camelid) Slaughter and Compensation (England) Order 2014 have been replaced with The Tuberculosis (Non-bovine animals) Slaughter and Compensation (England) Order 2017, which came into force on 2 January 2018.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Serology Package - Private Sample Submission Form (TN186) Updated
    Date: 30 November 2017
    Summary of Update:

    The Camelid TB Serology Package - Private Sample Submission Form has been updated.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians in GB 
    Date: 12 October 2017
    Summary of Update: The Policy for Authorisation of Official Veterinarians in GB has been published on the Vet Gateway.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) Updated
    Date: 26 July 2017
    Summary of Update:

    The Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) Updated
    Date: 21 July 2017
    Summary of Update:

    Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated to improve the quality of information submitted to the laboratory.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Identification of Contiguous Premises of Camelids in England
    Date: 17 July 2017
    Summary of Update:

    Instructions have been updated to clarify the difference between identifying camelid herds contiguous to Officially Tuberculosis Free Withdrawn (OTFW) cattle herds and herds/flocks of non-bovine species with confirmed M. bovis.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Contiguous Testing of Camelids in England
    Date: 20 June 2017
    Summary of Update:

    A minor update has been made to remove ambiguity regarding contiguous testing criteria for camelids in England.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Changes to Contiguous Testing of Camelids in England
    Date: 12 June 2017
    Summary of Update:

    Following discussions with the camelid industry it has been agreed that camelid herds identified as contiguous to any holding with confirmed M. bovis in farmed animal species will undergo an antibody blood test at the governments expense. Animals should be primed by bovine tuberculin injection, reading of the injection site is no longer required.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Testing of Camelids in Wales
    Date: 09 June 2017
    Summary of Update:

    Instructions on camelid case management and suspicion and confirmation of Tuberculosis in camelids have been updated to reflect changes in policy in Wales.

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Updated Instructions for Private Testing Outside Breakdown Situations
    Date: 13 February 2017
    Summary of Update:

    Instructions for case management have been updated to clarify the process with regards to repeated positive two-spot interpretation of private Enferplex test in England (inconclusive animal).

    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06(Welsh)) and TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07(Welsh)) Updated
    Date: 12 December 2016
    Summary of Update: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06(Welsh)) and TB Testing Notification letter (TN07(Welsh)) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06) and TB Testing Notification Letter (TN07) Updated
    Date: 07 December 2016
    Summary of Update: Tuberculosis Test Notice (TN06) and TB Testing Notification letter (TN07) have been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Automatic Restrictions Following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at a TB Test in Non-Bovine Animals Form (TN181(W)) Updated
    Date: 15 November 2016
    Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis in Non-Bovine Animals (as defined by the Order) (TN181(W)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Changes to TB instructions in Camelids
    Date: 15 November 2016
    Summary of Update: Updates have been made to the camelid instructions to clarify the notification requirements when a camelid is affected or suspected of having bovine TB.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Automatic Restrictions Following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at a TB Test in Non-Bovine Animals Form (TN181(W)) Updated
    Date: 24 October 2016
    Summary of Update: The Automatic Animal and Public Health Restrictions following Disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor at an Official Diagnostic Test for Tuberculosis in Non-Bovine Animals (as defined by the Order) (TN181(W)) document has been updated to remove all references to England and Scotland, since automatic restrictions for non-bovines following disclosure of a Reactor or Inconclusive Reactor apply only to Wales. English and Scottish legislation does not allow serving of automatic restrictions to non-bovines at present. The Welsh language version will be updated shortly.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Official Veterinarian Instructions Online Tutorial Update
    Date: 20 October 2016
    Summary of Update: The Official Veterinarian (OV) Instructions Online Tutorial has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Update to Camelids Skin Test Day Two Guidance
    Date: 02 June 2016
    Summary of Update: An update regarding Inconclusive Reactors (IRs) has been made to the Recording and Submission of Test Results instructions in camelids skin testing.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Update to Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer, Camelids and Other Non-bovine Species (TN184(Welsh))
    Date: 01 June 2016
    Summary of Update: The Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer, Camelids and Other Non-bovine Species (TN184(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Document - TN184(Welsh) - Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids - Welsh Language Version

    Subject: Update to Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer, Camelids and Other Non-bovine Species (TN184)
    Date: 20 May 2016
    Summary of Update: The Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer, Camelids and Other Non-bovine Species (TN184) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Document - TN184 - Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer, Camelids and Other Non-bovine Species

    Subject: Improvements to Official Veterinarian Instructions Format
    Date: 26 January 2016
    Summary of Update: Improvements have been made to the format of the Official Veterinarian (OV) instructions to include the provision of a print button on each instruction page, a statement confirming that the instructions are correct as of the current date and time and the addition of a Documents page, listing documents by instructional area.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Update to Welsh Language Documents
    Date: 16 December 2015
    Summary of Update: Welsh Language documents have been updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Document - TN24c(Welsh) - Licence Authorising General Movement of Animals Other than Bovine Animals from a Premises under TB Restrictions Directly to a Licensed Slaughterhouse - Welsh Language Version

    Document - TN57a(SW)(Welsh) - Notice Requiring Removal of Non-Bovine Animals from Market, Fairground or Saleyard (Scotland and Wales) - Welsh Language Version

    Subject: Update to Camelids Tuberculosis Testing Guidance
    Date: 24 November 2015
    Summary of Update: Camelids Tuberculosis (TB) blood testing guidance has been updated.
    Updated Pages:
    Subject: Update to Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183)
    Date: 20 November 2015
    Summary of Update: The Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form (TN183) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Document - TN183 - Camelid TB Serology Package Statutory Sample Submission Form

    Subject: Update to Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids (TN184)
    Date: 02 October 2015
    Summary of Update: The Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids (TN184/TN184(Welsh)) has been updated.
    Updated Pages:

    Document - TN184 - Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids

    Document - TN184(Welsh) - Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids - Welsh Language Version

    Subject: Addition of Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids (TN184(Welsh))
    Date: 23 September 2015
    Summary of Update: The Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids (TN184(Welsh)) is now available in Welsh.
    Updated Pages: Document TN184(Welsh) - Request to Test - TB Testing of Deer and Camelids - Welsh Language Version
    Subject: Release of Camelid TB Testing Instructions for Official Veterinarians
    Date: 08 September 2015
    Summary of Update: Instructions for Official Veterinarians (OVs) involved in tuberculosis testing in camelids are now available.
    Updated Pages: Tuberculosis Testing in Camelids