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Introducing the new VETQAS Proficiency Testing Scheme: Brachyspira species - Isolation & Identification

Brachyspira species - Isolation & identification
Scheme code:
Test Method: Isolation & ID
Distribution date: 8 Oct

VETQAS have launched a new Brachyspira species - Isolation & Identification Proficiency Testing Scheme. This new scheme has been designed to help participants assess testing performance when isolating and identifying pathogenic species of Brachyspira recognised to cause Swine Dysentery (SD). The scheme has the facility to report results from other testing methods (e.g. PCR, WGS) in addition or apart from culture & ID.

Each distribution comprises of four samples containing isolates of Brachyspira known either to cause SD, diarrhoea/colitis or to be non-pathogenic in swine.
The type of sample for this scheme is also newly developed to the VETQAS portfolio in that it consists of culture on pieces of agar media preserved under vacuum.

How to order

If you are an exisiting customer and have been set up for online ordering click here to order any of our Proficiency Testing schemes, using the password and username that were emailed to you when your account was first set up. If you are a new customer please click here to register for any of our Proficiency Testing schemes.

Further information on VETQAS products and services
Tel: +44 (0)3000 600003

Page last modified: 22 August 2019